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How Foot Orthotics Help to Relieve Back Pain

How Foot Orthotics Help to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common and debilitating health problems in the UK. According to Unison, back pain is one of the biggest causes of work absences, accounting for more than 12 million days lost every year. It’s second only to minor illnesses, such as colds,...
Why Achilles Tendon Problems Are Common

Why Achilles Tendon Problems Are Common

Your body has approximately 4,000 tendons – strips of fibrous, flexible tissue that connect muscle to bone in order to facilitate movement. However, your Achilles tendons may well be the only ones you’ve heard of. After all, they’re longer, thicker and stronger than...
Cuboid Syndrome – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Cuboid Syndrome – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Unless you happen to have studied the anatomy of the foot, you probably haven’t heard of the cuboid bone before. However, as experienced London podiatrists we’d encourage you to familiarise yourself with the cuboid’s role in foot function and why some people develop...