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Dry Skin and Foot Problems

Dry Skin and Foot Problems

Your skin is vital to protect your body from external elements. It’s flexible, tough and waterproof, and keeps out dangerous bacteria. It’s your largest organ so you need to keep it in good shape. A variety of factors can affect the condition of your skin and lead to...
Sore Legs? It Could Be Shin Splints

Sore Legs? It Could Be Shin Splints

Shin splints is a painful condition that affects the shin bone (tibia). This is located at the front of your lower leg between the knee and ankle (the condition is officially known as medial tibial stress syndrome). Generally it isn’t serious, but it can cause extreme...
Painful Feet? It Could be Morton’s Neuroma

Painful Feet? It Could be Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is a painful, benign swelling commonly found in the foot, although it can occur in a variety of places throughout the body. It’s usually located between the third and fourth toes, though it can pop up elsewhere in the foot. Neuroma leads to pain and...