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How to Prevent Falls at Home

How to Prevent Falls at Home

We all experience a bit of wear and tear but there’s usually nothing to worry about.  However, as we age our risk of falling increases, and with it the risk of serious injury. Indeed, in the UK 1 in 3 people over 65 years will fall at least once a year. Many of these...
Looking After Your Feet at the Gym

Looking After Your Feet at the Gym

Perhaps you work at Canary Wharf, live in South Kensington or are familiar with another part of the capital entirely. The chances are that there are numerous London gyms on your doorstep. According to the 2022-23 UK Fitness Report from PureGym, London has a larger...
Shoes or No Shoes? The Problems with Going Barefoot

Shoes or No Shoes? The Problems with Going Barefoot

On hot days it’s tempting to wander around barefoot. It’s soothing and refreshing, but going without footwear can be hazardous – depending on your personal health. So, don’t ditch the shoes until you’ve read our handy guide. Risk of Injury With nothing to protect your...
Can Stress Affect Your Feet?

Can Stress Affect Your Feet?

Stress is unavoidable for all of us. Life is constantly busy and there are never enough hours in the day. We’re often tired and anxious, and our mental and physical health suffers as a result. We know stress can cause and exacerbate heart issues, high blood pressure...