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Working From Home? Your Feet Won’t Thank You

Working From Home? Your Feet Won’t Thank You

The pandemic has changed the way many people work. The days of lockdowns may be over but not everyone has rushed back to the workplace. Covid is still here and people are still vulnerable, so working from home has become commonplace for many. Unfortunately, long hours...
Heading to the Airport? How to Get Your Feet Ready

Heading to the Airport? How to Get Your Feet Ready

Summer holidays often mean sitting on a plane for hours. Doing nothing but reading or relaxing may sound tempting, but that’s not great for your feet and legs. Swollen feet and ankles are always a possibility when you fly – a situation that can lead to blood clots and...
Are Flat Shoes Really Better?

Are Flat Shoes Really Better?

The wrong kind of shoes cause a multitude of problems, and these can go way beyond your feet. Back, hip and knee problems can all stem from inadequate footwear. High heels are often thought to be the culprits, and this is true in many cases as they force the feet into...
Exercise for Good Mental Health

Exercise for Good Mental Health

Exercise is essential to keep our bodies healthy, but it isn’t just about firm muscles and a trim physique. Our mental health benefits enormously and this is just as vital as our physical wellbeing. Help with Everyday Problems Daily life is tough, especially these...
The Problem With Knees

The Problem With Knees

The knee is the most complex joint we have, so there’s a great deal of potential for it to go wrong. When it comes to lower limb issues your knees bear a great deal of the burden, although the problems can begin further down in your feet. The way you stand and move...
What Happens When Your Feet Get Wet?

What Happens When Your Feet Get Wet?

In the UK we often wonder where we’ve put the umbrella, but keeping our heads dry is only part of the challenge of living on a soggy island. We also need to think about our feet. If feet get wet regularly, this can lead to all sorts of problems. When our feet are...