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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, often unpredictable condition affecting the central nervous system (spinal cord) and the brain. Related issues can arise anywhere in the body, but legs and feet are often affected. Symptoms vary from one person to the next, but common problems include loss of muscle strength, coordination difficulties and loss of sensation.

MS occurs when the immune system attacks the myelin sheath (a covering that protects the nervous system). This hinders communication between the brain and nerves and may eventually lead to permanent nerve damage.

In this post, we’ll explore some of the key ways MS impacts foot health and how professional podiatry can help you manage these issues effectively.

How MS Affects Feet and Mobility

Living with MS often means adapting to challenges in movement and sensation, particularly in the lower limbs. Here’s a look at the most common foot-related issues caused by MS:

Muscle Weakness and Spasms (Spasticity)

MS frequently leads to muscle weakness in the legs, making it difficult to stand or walk for long periods. This weakness is often accompanied by spasticity, where muscles become stiff or experience sudden, painful contractions. These spasms can make walking not only painful but also dangerous, as they increase the risk of falls and injuries.

Without proper management, muscle spasms can worsen over time, leading to greater mobility issues and a reduced quality of life.

Foot Drop

Foot drop is another common symptom of MS that can affect mobility. It occurs when the muscles responsible for lifting the front of the foot become weak, making it difficult to raise the toes when walking. As a result, the toes may drag along the ground and walking safely becomes a challenge – you don’t have proper control of your foot or the necessary strength to move safely, leading to an increased risk of tripping or falling.

Foot drop can be particularly frustrating because it affects even simple daily activities, such as walking around the house or commuting to work.

Nerve Damage and Loss of Sensation

Nerve damage is characterised by burning, tingling pain. Numbness is also common and this loss of sensation makes it difficult to detect injuries like cuts, blisters, or pressure sores, which can easily become infected if not noticed in time.

When your feet lose sensation, simple tasks like walking or wearing shoes can cause discomfort, as you may not feel pain until damage has already been done, leading to a host of feet and toenail problems.

Swelling and Circulation Issues

MS can also reduce mobility, leading to poor circulation in the legs and feet. Without regular movement, blood flow slows down, causing the feet and ankles to swell. Swollen feet can become more prone to infections, and healing slows down when circulation is compromised.

Poor circulation increases the risk of ulcers and infections, especially if you already suffer from other conditions such as diabetes.

The Role of Podiatry in MS Foot Care

Regular podiatric care is vital for managing MS-related foot issues. A podiatrist can provide support that goes far beyond routine foot care, offering treatment plans and advice tailored to your individual needs. Here are some of the ways podiatry can help you manage MS symptoms effectively.

Gait Analysis and Footwear Advice

A thorough gait analysis performed by a podiatrist can identify any irregularities in your walking pattern that might be exacerbating foot pain or discomfort. At Feet By Pody, our experienced podiatrists assess your gait, posture, and balance to detect any issues that affect your foot function.

Based on this analysis, we can recommend proper footwear that provides the support and cushioning your feet need. In many cases, custom-made orthotics (foot inserts) can offer significant relief, helping to align your feet and ankles and improve overall mobility.

Vascular and Neurological Assessment

Monitoring the health of your feet involves assessing both circulation and nerve function. Our podiatrists use advanced techniques, such as Doppler ultrasound, to evaluate blood flow in your feet and legs, ensuring that circulation is sufficient to support healthy foot function.

We also assess your muscle strength, reflexes, and nerve responses, helping us detect early signs of nerve damage. These assessments allow us to create a comprehensive foot care plan tailored to your specific symptoms.

Regular Foot Maintenance  

People with MS are at a higher risk of developing common foot problems such as calluses, corns, fungal infections, and ingrown toenails. These conditions can worsen quickly if left untreated, particularly if nerve damage prevents you from noticing early warning signs.

Routine visits to a podiatrist can help prevent these issues from escalating. Professional foot care ensures that your feet remain healthy, reducing the likelihood of infection and providing relief from painful conditions.

Toenail Trimming and General Foot Care

MS can also affect your eyesight and fine motor skills, making it difficult to perform even basic foot care tasks such as trimming toenails. A podiatrist can take care of these essential tasks for you, ensuring that your nails are properly trimmed and that your feet stay in good condition.

Reassuring Support at Feet By Pody

Managing MS can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go it alone. The podiatrists at Feet By Pody are here to offer expert support tailored to your unique needs and have the expertise to help you improve your foot health.

We look forward to welcoming you to one of our London chiropody clinics, where we have an approach that’s just right for you.

Contact Feet By Pody today.