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How to Make Your Feet Happy and Healthy
Our feet take a constant pounding and they’re essential for mobility, yet we often overlook their maintenance. A quick splash in the shower may be the best they can hope for! Don’t wait until you have problems. Here are some quick and easy measures to keep your feet...
How to Care for Common Foot Wounds
We all have cuts and scrapes from time to time. Our feet and ankles are particularly susceptible to injury as we use them constantly. They are also on or near the ground, which tends to be rather grubby. Many foot wounds are minor and easy to resolve. However, even...
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Athlete’s Foot
Do you suspect that you have athlete’s foot? Common symptoms include red, cracked, scaly skin, white patches and itching or burning between your toes. In its early stages, the problem may just seem like a minor irritation. Instead of seeking treatment for athlete’s...
Major Causes of Heel Pain
One in every ten people will experience one or more episodes of heel pain, with individuals aged 40-60 being particularly susceptible to the problem, according to the NHS. That’s a sobering thought. Sometimes the reason your heel hurts will be obvious. You’ve got a...
Do You Have Pitted Keratolysis?
Pitted keratolysis isn’t painful for most people so it may be tempting to ignore it if you think you have it. This isn’t a good idea though, as one of the main symptoms is a pronounced and unpleasant smell. Fortunately, this condition is perfectly treatable, and it...
How to Deal with a Ganglion Cyst
If a strange lump appears on your foot, it could be a ganglion cyst. Fortunately, this is a benign lump, so it won’t lead to more serious problems. However, depending on its location the cyst may press on a nerve, and this can cause pain and numbness. Here are the...
Working From Home? Your Feet Won’t Thank You
The pandemic has changed the way many people work. The days of lockdowns may be over but not everyone has rushed back to the workplace. Covid is still here and people are still vulnerable, so working from home has become commonplace for many. Unfortunately, long hours...
Heading to the Airport? How to Get Your Feet Ready
Summer holidays often mean sitting on a plane for hours. Doing nothing but reading or relaxing may sound tempting, but that’s not great for your feet and legs. Swollen feet and ankles are always a possibility when you fly – a situation that can lead to blood clots and...
How to Cut Your Toenails and When to Ask Your Podiatrist for Help
We all need to cut our toenails every six to eight weeks. You probably don’t give it much thought, but it’s easy to make mistakes that lead to painful problems. Happily, this doesn’t need to be a problem. Here’s our guide to help you cut your toenails the right way...
How Does Hypermobility Affect Your Feet?
Many people have extremely flexible joints, which allows them a greater range of motion than the rest of us. Indeed, dancers, gymnasts and athletes often attribute their skill, at least in part, to their exceptional flexibility and ease of movement. However, for the...
Are Flat Shoes Really Better?
The wrong kind of shoes cause a multitude of problems, and these can go way beyond your feet. Back, hip and knee problems can all stem from inadequate footwear. High heels are often thought to be the culprits, and this is true in many cases as they force the feet into...
Exercise for Good Mental Health
Exercise is essential to keep our bodies healthy, but it isn’t just about firm muscles and a trim physique. Our mental health benefits enormously and this is just as vital as our physical wellbeing. Help with Everyday Problems Daily life is tough, especially these...