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Check out all the latest news from Feet By Pody’s Podiatry Blog and stay up-to-date on the latest podiatry topics, including health advice, useful information, and tips on foot care.

The Problem With Knees

The Problem With Knees

The knee is the most complex joint we have, so there’s a great deal of potential for it to go wrong. When it comes to lower limb issues your knees bear a great deal of the burden, although the problems can begin further down in your feet. The way you stand and move...

What Happens When Your Feet Get Wet?

What Happens When Your Feet Get Wet?

In the UK we often wonder where we’ve put the umbrella, but keeping our heads dry is only part of the challenge of living on a soggy island. We also need to think about our feet. If feet get wet regularly, this can lead to all sorts of problems. When our feet are...

Beware of Frostbite: It Could Happen to You

Beware of Frostbite: It Could Happen to You

Sudden cold snaps can be intense, and some people are particularly susceptible to the cold. This can lead to frostbite all too easily. Even a mild form is painful, while extreme cases have severe consequences. Here’s what you need to know. What Is Frostbite? Intense...

Does Your Child Have Sever’s Disease?

Does Your Child Have Sever’s Disease?

It’s always good to see your kids running around enjoying themselves. However, all that charging about can cause problems, particularly between 7 and 14 years of age. This is when Sever’s Disease (also known as calcaneal apophysitis) can be an issue, particularly...

How to Avoid Muscle Strain in Your Feet

How to Avoid Muscle Strain in Your Feet

With so many muscles and tendons in our feet muscle strain is always a possibility. Considering we stand on them all day, these injuries are painful and extremely debilitating. How Does This Happen? Muscles can stretch or even tear for several reasons. Injury and...

Covid Toe: How Coronavirus Can Affect Your Feet

Covid Toe: How Coronavirus Can Affect Your Feet

An unusual foot problem has emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic and captured the attention of podiatrists, doctors and scientists alike. Some people who become infected with the virus develop a condition known as Covid toe or Covid toes. You may be surprised to hear...

Six Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Verruca

Six Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Verruca

‘It’s just a verruca – surely no big deal.’ ‘I don’t think I’ve got time to sort it out at the moment.’ ‘Perhaps if I leave it alone, it’ll go away…’ Some people have thoughts like these when they first develop a verruca. They may try to ignore this foot problem...

Same Old Exercise Routine? You Need Some Variety

Same Old Exercise Routine? You Need Some Variety

Regular exercise is essential for all of us. It helps control our weight and blood pressure, improve energy and cardio health, and firm up the wobbly bits. It’s also invaluable to keep our mental health in good shape. This is good news for our lower limbs as well, as...

Are Your Feet Ready for Winter?

Are Your Feet Ready for Winter?

Winter is around the corner and foot problems increase at this time of year. Cooler weather causes old issues to flare up or new ones to set in, so it’s time to take precautions. Winter doesn’t need to be tough on your feet. Here are some things to look out for. Lower...

Four Ways to Treat Your Feet after a Long Run

Four Ways to Treat Your Feet after a Long Run

The UK is opening up again, as the sun shines during our post-lockdown summer – and you might be taking the opportunity to run further than ever before. Long runs are not only excellent exercise, but they’re a good chance to get out in the fresh air and explore your...

Choosing the Right Shoes for Kids

Choosing the Right Shoes for Kids

Little feet are delicate and pliable, so choosing the right shoes for kids is essential. Indeed, many podiatric problems in later life stem from wearing the wrong shoes as a child, so it’s never too soon to think about what’s best for them. Expert Guide on Choosing...

Top Tips for Flip-Flop Safety This Summer

Top Tips for Flip-Flop Safety This Summer

Summer has arrived and that means one thing: it’s flip-flop season. When the sun is shining, no footwear can compare to the freedom of a pair of loose flip-flops, especially when you can feel the sand and sea between your toes. But as tempting as it is to spend all...